CPRE Hertfordshire
Standing up for
Hertfordshire's Countryside

Updated: Thurs
23 May 2013

Support us
A walk in the bluebells

If you would like to have your say in the future of the Hertfordshire countryside and help us to keep it a beautiful place in which to live and work, or simply to enjoy, please do join us. Your support really can make a difference, both locally and nationally.

Membership is open to all
Print off our membership form and return the completed form to us at the Welwyn office together with the appropriate subscription (cheques made payable to 'CPRE').

Or Join online. Online membership takes just four minutes.

Membership Form
Donating money

Gift Aid
Charities are able to claim back tax against any donation or subscription paid by a taxpayer, subject to completion of the necessary declaration which you will find at the bottom of our membership form. Please help us make the best use of your money.

Leave a Lasting Legacy to Hertfordshire
A legacy to CPRE Hertfordshire will enable us to fund our complex work of spotting early warning signs and raising awareness of threats to our countryside. With your help we can protect Hertfordshire's countryside for our children's children to enjoy. If you are making or amending your Will, a bequest specifically to 'CPRE Hertfordshire' will ensure that it reaches us here in the County.

Getting involved
The majority of our members are happy to support us through donations and subscriptions but if you would like to find out more about our work with a view to helping in some way, please see Getting Involved

If you are unable to make a regular commitment, any amount you can give to support our work of protecting and celebrating Hertfordshire's most precious asset, its countryside, would be most welcome. You can now donate to CPRE Hertfordshire online using  JustGiving (just click on the icon opposite)


Donation Online button