CPRE Hertfordshire
Standing up for
Hertfordshire's Countryside

Updated: Thurs
23 May 2013

CPRE  Planning help/National Policies


CPRE is a powerful combination of local action and national campaigning. We don't just campaign against damaging policies, we campaign for positive practical alternatives and we are getting results. Our forward-looking ideas are increasingly helping to set the agenda for national, regional and local decision making.

(Plotland: a site, usually surplus agricultural land - bought up by a marketing company, divided in house-sized plots and sold on at vastly inflated prices to unwary investors). Also now known as 'landbanking'

Known Landbanking Sites in Hertfordshire (pdf file)
The Great Landbanking Carve Up: A CPRE Briefing on Plotlands
Plotlands Latest Oct 07

March 2013: SUCCESSFUL PROSECUTIONS FOR FRAUD : Two men engaged in a 'landbanking' fraud were jailed at Isleworth Crown Court in December 2012. In March 2013 at Southwark four people were successfully prosecuted in the biggest case to have come to court, receiving up to seven years prison sentences.  Read more below

March 2013: Banking on success: Reclaiming the land - one man's story of the painstaking process of buying back plots and reclaiming the land for agriculture in Braughing, Read more below

March 13 Banking on Success: Reclaiming the Land
Jan 13 Land Banking Fraud Prosecution

Ask the Transport Minister to stand against new road building proposals: Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin is drawing up a new roads strategy, amid increasing calls for major road building 'to get the economy moving'. If it supports large-scale road building, huge areas of our countryside would be destroyed.

Stop them taking bites out of the Green Belt: Your Green Belt is being eaten up. Please ask the Secretary of State, Eric Pickles, to keep the Green Belt green and make sure we use brownfield sites for development instead.

Save our countryside:The first year of the Government's National Planning Policy Framework has seen damaging developments approved in precious open farmland and Green Belts. This is despite large areas of brownfield land being ready for development which could revitalise our towns and cities. Take action

Need Help dealing with planning applications?

CPRE's Planning Help website includes a downloadable booklet



Brownfield Land
Energy from Waste
Hunting with Hounds
Minerals and Quarrying
Opencast coal-mining
Policy Guidance Note: Onshore Wind Turbines
Policy Guidance Notes: Coasts and Estuaries
Policy Guidance Notes: Transport Principles
Policy Guidance Notes: Transport
Rural Services (Policy)
Sustainable Development (Policy)
Telecommunications Development (Policy)
Unauthorised Gypsy and Traveller Development (Policy)
Waste (Policy)
Water Resources (Policy)